Thursday 11 November 2010

London! :-)


So, I went to visit good ol’ London, England the other weekend (29th October - 31st October) and it was amazing as well! There was so much to do and see in London, that I was so exhausted when I got back late on that Sunday night.  However, it was Halloween that night when I got back, and regardless of what day it is in Newcastle, people get really hyped up for stuff like that! So, I did go and join my flatmates at a party for a few hours before cashing in for the night.

We got to London late on Friday evening, and by the time we got to our hostel and checked in and everything, we were too exhausted to figure out where anything was that night, so we just decided to save it for the rest of the weekend. We went absolutely everywhere on Saturday, starting with Buckingham Palace, and working our way up past Big Ben, a Beautiful church, the ferris wheel, and all the way down to Tower Bridge. It was quite a walk, but since there was so much to see on the way, it went by so fast, before we knew it, it was dark (even though it was only about 5:00) lol. 

Tower Bridge (which is usually mistaken for London Bridge) was definitely one of my favourite parts of the trip! I think mostly because of it's massive structure and detail throughout it. I also really enjoyed Abbey Road! (Where the famous Beatles album cover was taken for those of you who don't know!) I thought it would be just kind of cool, because after all, it is just a road lol. But it was actually very awesome to see. It ended up being more than I had expected, which made it one of my other favourite parts of the trip.

Oh! Before I forget, as we were walking through Hyde Park, we stumbled across them filming Pirates of the Caribbean! I about died. It was so amazing. We didn't get to see Johnny Depp or anything, but we did get to see how the production works, with the blue screen, the director, and all of the other actors involved. We saw signs like "A Blackbeard production" with like warning signs on our way down the Hyde Park path, but to be fair, I thought it was some random English movie I would never see. I was wrong!
At first, they wouldn't tell us what movie it was, because of "security codes" and what not, but we found a real nice security guard who was wearing the Pirates badge around his neck ;) Pretty awesome. I asked him loads of questions, and he was nice enough to explain a lot of things about it. So.. that was a nice surprise!

London was amazing, and I would definitely go back in a heartbeat. I saw all of the touristy things to see, but there is so much more that London has to offer, that I could definitely spend a lot more time there.
It's so weird to see "big" cities like this over here in Europe, because they are completely different from the "big" cities at home, such as New York. I have never been to New York myself, but everyone talks about how tall everything is, with the sky scrapers and structures of things, and I haven't seen any of those industrialized types of things over here.
Everything over here seems so much more historical, and holds some kind of a message behind it all. Which I find just fascinating, because everything seems to tell a story, everything holds some kind of a deeper meaning to it.
I just can't get over the amount of detail and value that every building has. It truly amazes me!

Needless to say, I took loads of pictures in London too. And if you can believe it, I took more than I did in Paris! I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all of them when I get back, but I guess at least I have enough to pick from!

But, I shall stop rambling and let you all go now! I hope everything is going well back home, and before you know it, I will be there to join you :)

Thanks for checking up on me and my blog!

Here we are! :-)

Monument in Trafalge Square

The weekend we were there, they were actually playing an NFL game (Broncos vs 49ers) and they were advertising it all over Trafalge Square, which I thought was kind of funny. The actual game was played in a town outside of London called Brent (haha) at Wimbley Stadium. 

This is for you Big Brother Brent :-) Just keeping you posted on all the different beers 
I am consuming. 
(Hoegaarden) It was very good by the way!

I finally got to pet a horse! :) I really want one of these someday. The guard had to sit still, but I think the horse liked me :) He was precious

The building and courtyard right by St. James park where the queen has her birthday parade every year. She used to ride a horse around in the courtyard, but now she rides in a buggy, where she waves at people. Like a Queen would do. lol

Some pictures at night! It was so lovely.. we definitely took our time walking around

A picture of the River Thames at dusk :-) 
Me feeding the squirrels! They are actually nice over here. Sorry Ohio

Greene Park! It was so beautiful with all of the fall leaves.. we really were there at a 
good time of the year

Greene Park again :)  .. I really like this picture for some reason

Me and Tower Bridge! 

Tower Bridge at night! It was amazing, and it's actually in the top ten most famous bridges in the world because of it's structure. It is so lovely. One of my favourite parts of the trip for sure

Abbey Road!
ABBEY ROAD! This is legit. I should have probably been on the Beatles album cover
Me and the wonderful parliament at night :)

Big Ben at night! I put this one up here instead of some others, because this is when they were changing the clocks (setting them back an hour) and they shut the lights off when they did it! I thought that was pretty neat
Big Ben from afar :)

Seriously, this building is absolutely beautiful. There is so much detail and structure in it, that it amazes me. I just stared at it for hours. I have loads more pictures of it, 
but I shall save them for when I get home!

Buckingham Palace! It was proper gorgeous
Changing of the guards! This was actually very interesting to see
Me being random -- Greene Park

Cute street sign indicating where everything is
A carved tree in Hyde Park I thought was beautiful in its own way

lol. Awesome security guard for Pirates of the Caribbean. He told us the inside scoop. -- Note the badge! Note the badge! (Even though you can't really read it lol) This is how we knew what movie they were filming

On Set! with the director :-) I felt so cool, like I knew everything that was going on

Horse and buggy :) 

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