Sunday, 3 October 2010


Guten Tag!

Everything is going well over here in England! It has been a little rainy lately, which I guess is a good thing, so it gives me an excuse to sit in and do my homework! School has been going pretty well, just this past week we got into the swing of things, and it came on pretty full force! A lot of research and sketching, that is for sure. I really do like all of my courses so far, except my one history class is pretty boring! But the guy is pretty funny, so I don't mind so much. Plus, I can sketch while he talks :-) A lot of my courses deal with learning new design concepts and models, added in with communication and presentation techniques. Which is just lovely!

Also! Before I forget, I figured out how to work my heat last week :-) Which is just, wonderful. I don't have to sleep with a sweatshirt or socks anymore! yay! I'm sure Grandma is glad to hear that!
I had to tell all of my flatmates how to work it as well, so at least I wasn't the only one who didn't understand it right away! You have to turn on a switch every time you use an outlet, but this switch was located in a different part of the room, so I just thought it was broken. lol.

Speaking of, all of my flatmates (roommates) are very very nice! I'm so lucky to have gotten such a great group of people. We can all relate so well, because this is a new experience for everyone, where we don't know anyone! They all finally got here and moved in sometime last week. They consist of a great American girl from Maryland, a girl from Malaysia, a sweet little girl from Australia, and a guy from Germany. The guy's girlfriend, and a couple of other friends are always around, which is kind of nice because there is always someone to talk to! Which is perfect if I want to push my homework off for a couple more hours. :-)
We cook together a lot, and have been having big meals lately, which has been fabulous! My australian flatmate's parents own a restaurant and serve chinese food there, so she likes to share some of her cultural food and cooking techniques with us.
I feel as though I'm definitely getting a cultural experience living with people from around the world. I really enjoy learning about how different their lives are from ours, and understanding a little bit about their backgrounds and upbringing. It's also very interesting to experience how others view Americans and relating it back to my own life and beliefs. 

I also went to a Newcastle United football (soccer) game last week Sunday! Maybe it's just because I like sports, but I thought it was very fun and a great experience. It was actually a lot more exciting and intense than I thought it would be. It was really fascinating seeing it live versus on the Tele, especially with the rowdy crowd all around us! We did lose though 1-2, which is a bummer, but it was still a very good game, especially the second half. We went out later to some pubs with my new British friend to meet up with some of her friends. :-)

I hope everything is going well back at home! 

Thanks for checking up on me and my blog!  :-)

Me and Hanna, a very wonderful German friend :-)

They are such great friends to me! We have been going to a lot of places together

We all went to the City Centre mall the other weekend -- the biggest mall in Europe! or so they tell me
At the football game with Alex (Britian) and Jennyann (Sweden)!

Newcastle United Stadium!

It wasn't a big game, but it was still packed. the empty sections on top are set up that way on purpose.. to separate the home and away fans! I guess they weren't kidding when they say it gets rowdy.

We had pretty good seats!

Some Friends!

Some more friends! -- Both of them are from America lol
I finally had my first fish and chips! And yes, they were very good

These are not my roommates, but some of us had a family meal together :-)

Karaoke night!

turned into dance party night
Friends  :-)

John Smith's Beer. One of my favorites here! Dear Big Brother Brent, if you could please learn how to make this kind for me that would be great :-)