Tuesday 14 December 2010

Germany :-)


Here you go Eydie! I finally got this updated just for you lol Sorry it took so long

Me and my flatmate, Sheryl, just got back from Germany this past Tuesday evening. It was amazing! I'm very surprised all of our flights left off, with only one delay. The very last flight on our way back home was delayed a couple of hours, but that's alright, it could have been a lot worse considering is has been snowing here. The UK was definitely not prepared for this type of weather, because everyone went absolutely mad when it happened! So many flights, trains, and what not have been cancelled the past couple of weeks because of it. It's the strangest thing, because we have gotten so much more snow in Ohio at one time! Like I said in my last blog, they really don't know what salt, shovels, or snowplows are here. There are some paths being cleared though.. from sunshine!

Either way, we flew into Berlin first and stayed there for a couple of days. This city is definitely the more historical one out of Berlin and Munich. There is a lot more information and history in Berlin about World War II, with Checkpoint Charlie, Hitler's bunker, the Holocaust Memorial.. etc. We then flew to Munich (Munchen) on Saturday, which is definitely the more traditional city, where you get the "stereotyped" German qualities. Some people there wear the lederhosen, they have sausages,  sauerkraut, and beer absolutely everywhere! Which was amazing. And awesome. I probably ate a whole pig myself just being down there for a few days. Their food and beer is soo wonderful! I would definitely love to go back sometime, especially to see the Oktoberfest! (which is in Munich)
I definitely learned a lot about WWII, and about Germany's history in general, because we did go into a couple of museums and went on a couple of tours throughout the trip.

The Christmas markets were so wonderful. I haven't really seen anything like them before, and they were everywhere! My flatmates from Germany had told us of a couple to go to while we were there, because they are pretty famous and a must-see-thing in Germany. And I would have to agree, because it was just so different, and there was so much to look at. And so very cute!

I'm definitely glad that there was snow all over Germany when we went, because it definitely put me in the Christmas spirit. It also made for some great photos of everything, especially the markets and the Englisch Garden. Which was also one of my favourite things to see there. I guess the Englisch Garden is the thing to see in winter and in the spring, so at least we got to see it one of those times :)

There was so much that had happened during this trip, especially because it was a longer trip so we could see both Berlin and Munich. I could go on about it for a long time, but I should probably stop now!

Also -- I bought wayyy too many Christmas presents while I was in Germany! I'm not sure how I fit it all back home to Newcastle, but somehow I did! I can't wait to give them all to you when I get home :-)

I'll let you all go now, and thanks for checking up on me and my blog :-)
I hope all is well back home!


I left on a jet plane.. to Germany :) -- This is Germany from above

In Germany! at the Christmas markets

Christmas Markets!! They were so beautiful. Ahh. One of the favourite things we did there

The Victorian Gate in Berlin

Humboldt University -- Albert Einstein actually taught here until the 1930s, but since he was Jewish he fled then.. (for obvious reasons)

This is the hotel where Michael Jackson was holding the baby out of the window - Berlin

Me at the Holocaust Memorial - In Berlin

The Berlin Wall! It was actually a lot smaller than I thought it would be, but very interesting to learn how it evolved.

One of the buildings to survive WWII. All of the different black and white colours on the pillars are patches to cover up all of the bullet holes from the war. I'm not really sure how this building survived, but it was awesome to look at!
Christmas! :)

more christmas! 

Christmas Markets! They were so decked out and so pretty

Me at the markets with my Gluhwein :) ( Warm rum, wine, and some juices.. which was excellent!)


still pretty!

The Old Town of Munich! (Munchen) Very very scenic. One of our favourite parts of Germany

More of the Old Town of Munchen

Saving Grace -- They have a store named after you in Munich! Woo Hoo!

The Englisch Garden :) It was soo wonderful. There was snow everywhere, which made it absolutely beautiful. This was another one of my favourite parts of the trip

Everyone was pulling their kids around in sleds lol it was too cute 
There were even buggy rides! -- It looks like it came right out of a text book.

More pictures of the Old Town 

HOFBRAUHAUS! which was awesome.

Me and my litre of dunkel beer at the Hofbrauhaus! (Dad --  I know you are jealous)

New City Town Hall at night -- One of only the four buildings to have survived WWII in Munich

P.s. sorry Brother Brent, but I did not post all of the different kinds of beer I had in Germany -- wayyy too many to post! But .. I did take pictures of them! And even pinched a beer menu! Pretty awesome.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Just because :)

Hello everyone who is checking up on me!

It's Wednesday. Night. And I'm supposed to be leaving for Germany tomorrow!
However, it has been snowing like mad here the past couple of weeks, so I'm dead nervous about my flights this weekend. A lot of them have been getting cancelled, and we are supposed to be leaving around 8 tomorrow morning, so we'll see how it all goes! I'll definitely keep all of you informed, regardless of how my weekend ends up. Hopefully I'll be roaming around in Germany! But maybe not.

My two German flatmates did give me and my friend a list of the Christmas markets we need to go to while we are there :-) So, I'm very excited to see all of those. We are scheduled to fly to Berlin and then head over to Munich as well, so hopefully everything goes as planned!

It has been pretty cold here lately, and like I said, it has been snowing an awful lot. I don't think people in England know what a shovel is either. lol None of the roads or sidewalks or anything is shoveled or plowed,  (and because it's England) it will turn all slushy and then freeze back over, and over, and over. I have about wiped out more times than I can count. I also have this gigantic hill I have to climb up and down everyday, and its pretty much like an ice slide! It's kind of fun. It's pretty entertaining waking up in the morning and being like.... "Hmm.. I wonder how many times I will fall down today!"
However, the snow isn't really that high because, it will snow, and then rain, and then sleet, and then.. sunshine! lol. This has to be the most random weather I have ever seen. It even beats Ohio if you can believe it. But it's proper cold, so thanks Grandma for the extra gloves :-)

Everything is going well over here, it's sad to think that I only have two weeks left here! I really do miss all of you back home, but I'm just not quite ready to come home yet! I probably will be when the time comes though. All of the Christmas decorations are up, and it's definitely getting me ready for Christmas. I have been doing all of my shopping here, and I have no bloody idea how I'm going to get everything home! That should be fun.

Anyways, I was just letting you all know that I'm doing well! And before you know it, I'll be back in the States with all of you :-)

I hope everything is going great back at home and that you guys are enjoying your first snowfall as well!  Have a great weekend :-)

Thanks for checking on me and my blog!

(Sorry for not adding any pictures this time!) Later I will.

Friday 19 November 2010


Scotland :)

As you probably know, my parents came over to visit me this past week over here in the UK! They got here around noon on Friday last week, the 12th November, and then we left for Scotland later that afternoon. We spent the whole weekend there in Edinbourgh, and walked absolutely everywhere! We saw about everything there was to see in Edinbourgh, and we all really wished we would have had more time to travel to Northern Scotland, where the Highlands are. Since southern Scotland was so beautiful, seeing the country sides in the Highlands would have been amazing as well! I have heard that this is best to be seen in April, May, or June though, just for future reference!

There really aren't too many landmarks in Scotland, unlike some other cities I have traveled to, but it was still so scenic. Everything there was so pretty to look at, it was definitely an outdoorsy kind of place, which was fabulous, because I love the outdoors. :) We went on a Scottish Whiskey tour, toured the famous Royal Yacht Britannia (Queen Elizabeth's Yacht), and of course toured the Edinbrough Castle! Which was absolutely massive. It was so amazing to see something built like that, because it was so old and so big, the structure was very impressive. I think they built it in sections, so I'm not sure how long it actually took to build, but it was still ridiculous. Ahh it was so awesome! I wish all of you could have seen it.

Mom and Dad left Thursday morning to go to London, and after they left, it made me miss home a little. But I knew it was going to happen, so I was kind of ready for it. Now I just want to see all of my family! But, I only have four weeks left, and I know it's going to fly by, because it already has! And, four weeks, just seems like such a short time. Thinking about leaving actually makes me want to be productive and go out to see people all of the time, so I know this missing home will pass in a day or so! lol
I miss traveling with my parents, because doing those kinds of things with family creates such a unique bond, but I know they are having a great time in London, so I'm not worried! I'm sure they are.. there is so much to see and do, that it can't be a bad trip! Plus, mom had texted me that all of the Christmas decorations are up in London, so that it's just beautiful.

So yes, mom and dad got here alright, and I really think that they are enjoying themselves! I am so happy for them that they got to come here. But I will let them tell you all of the details when they get back! I'm sure they will be so excited to tell all of you about it.

Ah, well I shall go now! I hope everything is going well back at home, and thanks for checking up on me throughout my journey :)

Our hotels we stayed in were so hilarious. They were so old, it was absolutely brilliant. It was neat staying in something that was built hundreds of years ago, with leaky ceilings lol

Beautiful Scotland from atop a hill :-) It was so pretty in person 

HAGGIS! I think it's sheep's heart, liver, and lungs? I'm not completely sure. but it was actually really good! Me and my dad wanted to bring some home lol (the dark stuff) It kind of had the texture of grits

a street at night in Edinbourgh

Monument on a hill in Scotland

Me and madre lol (it was really windy up there by the way! We about blew over)

Mom and Dad!

Lovely view from the hill :)

streets in Scotland
Scotland! : )

we thought this shirt was hilarious (the blue one) 

my parents lol  dad actually bought one of these.. can't wait for christmas caroling NOW!

lol. lookin' good dad. never knew hair would look so good on you

Monument - Edinbourgh Castle behind it! (It was literally built up on a cliff)

Edinbourgh Castle at night!

Me, Mom, and Dad outside of the Edinbourgh Castle :-) 
view outside of the castle

Another view taken from inside the castle (The castle was huge - I have loads of these pictures)

The Scottish Whiskey tour - The Whiskey collection room! Soo much whiskey in one place (wouldn't you like to be trapped in here for a week? lol )

The steps they showed us on the Whiskey tour

Inside of the Royal Yacht Britannia
The Engine room of the Britannia 

The dining room inside the Britannia.. it takes them over three hours to set up all of the china, because they measure everything with a ruler! how crazy

Aren't my parents so cute :)  (They didn't know I took this!)

A building in Scotland (British Flag!)

Me and Dad :)

All three of us with the Edinbourgh Castle behind us :)  (Computer background!)

Everything in Scotland was so GREEN. Even though winter was coming and a lot of  the leaves were off the trees, everything was still so green

Another view of Edinbourgh, Scotland. I believe this is old town Edinbourgh

We found a river!
And it was lovely :)

A path we walked down